Thursday 14 February 2013

How to dip dye your hair without damaging it..

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Hey guys,

Today I thought I would share with you some advice on how to dip dye your hair without damaging it. As many of you know, if you want to achieve the dip dyed look you are most probably going to have to use bleach on the length of your hair, or at least a high lift dye with strong peroxide. Neither of which are particularly good for the condition of your hair.

I've been rockin' the dip dye look for some time now, but if i'm honest the maintenance of my style is an outright pain in the ass!

My hair is red at the top and fading to an orange/strawberry blonde.  To achieve this look I had to bleach the ends of my hair twice with bleach and 30 vol peroxide. 

From doing this the ends of my hair are now frizzy, damaged and tangle very easily (they look a bit straw like in the picture above). I've had to use deep conditioning treatments twice a week and even still the condition still isn't great. 

I also need to touch up my roots every 6 weeks and the red runs into the blonde and stains it a different colour every time I wash my hair.

So, you might be wondering that the solution is to having healthy hair and still be bang on trend? Check this out!.. (P.S I can't believe how cheap these are! Take a look at the link below)

Seriously, this is my exact hair colour.. I NEED to get me some of these!

How freakin' AWESOME are these ones..

I honestly can't believe how cool these are. I'm going to dye my hair all back to one colour and just buy some of these clip ins. It will save me so much hassle and hopefully I'll be able to get my hair back to good condition again.

If you want some decent, affordable extensions check out too.

What do you think of this style? Are you loving these clip ins as much as me? Leave me a comment below :)

Until next time...

Carly xx


  1. Very interesting... I'm not sure I could pull off some of those colors but you and these ladies rock it! :)


    Jules of Canines & Couture

  2. These extensions are amazing! will have to look for them in the future!
    I also have my hair dipped but the up keep is a bit painful now that I am pregnant.

    New follower

    Young Mum's Guide To Survival!

  3. Those extensions are lovelyyyy.
    I love how the colors look with both light & dark hair but I would rather wear the dark colored hair with the color.

  4. That's so cool! I really love the blonde ones with the green-purple and the brunette with pink-turquoise.
    Plus, I love the colour of your hair, I've been thinking about dying part of my hair red for the summer.


  5. Hi Carly!
    I think your site is so cute! I'd like you to know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award! To find out more, please check out my latest post here:

    Take care!
    Andrea @ Cloud Nine Chic

  6. Though I've not used any of these products, but seeing these amazing photos above it seems to me that, these products are quite good.

    However, I am a beauty specialist from UK & also provide quality hair extensions. I just want to know your thoughts about my hair extensions. Do, you think they are good enough to satisfy girls like you?

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    Dip dye hair extensions
    Dip dyed hair extensions
